Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Prepare for the gore tour!

Welcome to my new blog on film studies.

This blog is dedicated to my auteur project but ill most probably add in bonuses from time to time like the odd film review here or there. If i can be bothered. Which I probably wont be.

Any way new year and all and much like in media studies we have been thrown into a new area of study straight away. I have known that we would be doing an auteur project for a while and in my head I have always been adamant that it would be on Quintin Tarantino as I am an avid fan of his and know his trademarks like the back of my hand from things to extended long shots with out any cuts to his patented 'trunk shot'. First lesson in and Madam instantly nulifies my hopes and dreams and informs us we cannot do Quintin as he is 'a thief'. Obviously this ruffled a few feathers, especially mine but there is a method to her obvious madness as why do a director who people are going to be doing up and down the land. I had a back up director any way.

Introducing George A. Romero, the Zombie king. An influential auteur most known for his infamous 'Dead' series. I have chosen Georgey boy as I am heavily interested in his field of work, most notably the zombie genre. I also love his films due to their sheer ridiculousness. But more on that in further posts :)

george romero

For this area of work I would like to study how George comes across as an auteur due to his many director trademarks and films themes. I will focus on his films visual style and content, the production context and how he highlights particular social issues and the messages and values with in them and his critical acclaim and influence on other film makers, most notably of the horror genre.

So for a hypothesis I am looking to ask;

'Did Romero define the zombie sub-genre through his style of film making?'

And i shall implement all the things in that paragraph up there ^^

For primary research I shall watch his films, most notably those of his famous 'Dead' series from 'Night' to 'Diary' and textually analyse them to pick out aspects of Romero's auteris....m.
I will also watch other films that branch off into the zombie genre and how they are alike his 'Dead' films, films such as 'The Evil Dead'. I will also watch interviews with him to find out what he is like as a person. For secondary research I will read reviews of the films in question.

So far so good, I have been watching more and more zombie related films and reading zombie related literacy. I also have found many articles related to him.

I will further update this blog as more information and research comes to light.

- Alex x

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